Unveiling the LLM Native Alchemist’s Playbook: How to Craft Innovative AI Apps

LLM Native is rapidly transforming the AI landscape. Yet, navigating this uncharted territory can be daunting. Many pioneering developers lack a clear roadmap, often reinventing the wheel or getting stuck.

This frustration ends here.

Through my experience helping organizations leverage LLMs, I’ve developed a powerful method for creating innovative solutions. This guide serves as your roadmap, guiding you from ideation to production, and empowering you to craft groundbreaking LLM native applications.

Why You Need a Standardized Process

The LLM space is a whirlwind of innovation, with groundbreaking advancements seemingly unveiled daily. This dynamism, while exhilarating, can be overwhelming. You might find yourself lost, unsure of how to bring your novel idea to life.

If you’re an AI innovator (manager or practitioner) seeking to build effective LLM native apps, this guide is for you.

A standardized process offers several key benefits:

  • Team Alignment: Establishes a clear path for team members, ensuring smooth onboarding, especially amidst the ongoing evolution of the field.
  • Defined Milestones: Provides a structured approach to track your progress, measure success, and stay on the right track.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifies clear decision points, allowing you to make informed choices and minimize risks associated with experimentation.

The Essential LLM Native Engineer: A Unique Blend

LLM native development demands a new breed of developer: the LLM Engineer. This unique role merges skillsets from various disciplines:

  • Software Engineering: The core of the process involves assembling the building blocks and integrating various components.
  • Research Skills: Understanding the inherently experimental nature of LLM development is crucial. While building “cool demos” is accessible, bridging the gap between a demo and a practical solution requires continuous research and agility.
  • Deep Business/Product Understanding: Owing to the fragility of the models, a thorough grasp of business goals and procedures is essential. The ability to model manual processes is a golden skill for LLM native Engineers.

Finding LLM native Engineers can be challenging as the field is nascent. Look for candidates with a background in backend/data engineering or data science. Software Engineers might find the transition smoother due to the “engineer-y” nature of experimentation. Data Scientists can excel too, provided they embrace the importance of developing new soft skills.

Embracing Experimentation: The Heartbeat of the Process

Unlike traditional backend applications, LLM native development thrives on experimentation. It’s about breaking down the problem into smaller experiments, testing them, and iterating on the most promising ones.

Here’s the key: Embrace the research mindset! Be prepared to invest time in exploring an avenue, only to discover it’s not feasible or worthwhile. This is a valuable learning experience, not a setback.

The experimentation process can be broadly categorized into four stages:

  1. Define a Budget: Set a realistic timeframe and resource allocation to assess initial feasibility.
  2. Experimentation: Choose your approach (bottom-up or top-down) and experiment to maximize success rates. By the end, you should have a basic proof-of-concept (PoC) and a baseline for further development.
  3. Retrospective: Analyze the feasibility, limitations, and costs associated with building the app. This helps determine whether to pursue production and design the final user experience (UX).
  4. Productization: Develop a production-ready version, integrate it with your existing solution, and implement robust feedback and data collection mechanisms.

Finding the Right Balance: Bottom-up vs. Top-down

Many early adopters jump straight into complex, state-of-the-art systems. However, I’ve found that the “Bottom-up Approach” often yields better results.

Start lean, with a “one prompt to rule them all” philosophy. While these initial results might be underwhelming, they establish a baseline for your system. Continuously refine your prompts using prompt engineering techniques to optimize outcomes. As weaknesses emerge, split the process into branches to address specific shortcomings.

The “Top-down Strategy” prioritizes upfront design. It involves defining the LLM native architecture from the outset and implementing its various steps simultaneously. This allows testing the entire workflow at once for maximum efficiency.

In reality, the ideal approach lies somewhere in between. While a good standard operating procedure (SoP) and modeling an expert beforehand can be beneficial, it’s not always practical. Experimentation can help you land on a good architecture without needing a perfect initial plan.

Optimizing Your Solution: Squeezing the Lemon

During experimentation, we continuously refine our solution, adding layers of complexity:

  • Prompt Engineering Techniques: Leverage techniques like Few Shots, Role assignments, or even Dynamic Few-Shot prompts to improve results.
  • Expanding the Context Window: Move beyond simple variable information and incorporate complex RAG (Reasoning-Answering Generation) flows to enhance outcomes.
  • Experimenting with Different Models: Different models excel at various tasks. Explore task-specific models for potentially better cost-effectiveness compared to large LLMs.
  • Prompt Dieting: Reduce prompt size and the number of processing steps required by the model. This “diet” can often improve both latency and quality, but be mindful of potential degradation. Sanity testing is crucial before implementing a prompt diet.
  • Splitting the Process: Breaking down complex processes into smaller steps can make optimization easier and more manageable. Aim for concise prompts and smaller models to mitigate potential increases in solution complexity or performance drawbacks.

Remember, the “Magic Triangle” serves as a guiding principle throughout this process. It emphasizes the importance of balancing prompt complexity, model capabilities, and desired outcomes.

The Anatomy of an LLM Experiment

Personally, I prefer a lean approach using a simple Jupyter Notebook with Python, Pydantic, and Jinja2:

  • Pydantic: Defines the expected output schema from the model.
  • Jinja2: Writes the prompt template.
  • Structured Output Format (YAML): Ensures the model follows your defined “thinking steps” and adheres to your SoP.
  • Pydantic Validations: Verifies the model’s output and triggers retries if necessary.
  • Stabilized Code: Organizes code into functional units using Python files and packages.

For broader applications, consider tools like:

  • OpenAI Streaming: Simplifies utilizing streaming capabilities.
  • LiteLLM: Provides a standardized LLM SDK for various providers.
  • vLLM: Enables working with open-source LLMs.

Ensuring Quality with Sanity Tests and Evaluations

Sanity tests safeguard the quality of your project by ensuring it maintains a defined success rate baseline. Imagine your solution as a blanket: stretch it too far, and it might not cover all the use cases it initially did.

To prevent this, define a set of successfully covered cases and ensure they remain covered (think table-driven tests).

Evaluating “generative” solutions (e.g., writing text) is more complex than evaluating LLMs for tasks like categorization or entity extraction. Consider involving a more powerful model (e.g., GPT-4, Claude Opus, or LLAMA) to act as a quality judge.

Splitting the model’s output can also be helpful. Present users with a deterministic part (pre-determined) and a generative part (created by the model). This allows for easier testing of the generative portion.

For RAG-based solutions, explore cutting-edge tools like DeepChecks, Ragas, or ArizeAI.

Informed Decisions: The Power of Retrospectives

After each major experiment or milestone, take a step back and make informed decisions about moving forward.

By this point, you’ll have a clear success rate baseline and a better understanding of areas needing improvement. This is the ideal time to discuss the implications of productizing the solution:

  • Product Integration: How will the solution fit within the product?
  • Challenges and Mitigations: Identify potential limitations and brainstorm solutions.
  • Latency Considerations: Is the current latency acceptable for a smooth user experience?
  • User Experience (UX): What UX elements will enhance user interaction? Can streaming be beneficial?
  • Cost Tracking: Estimate token expenditure and explore cost reduction strategies like using smaller models.
  • Prioritization: Identify showstopper challenges and prioritize accordingly.

If the baseline is satisfactory and challenges seem manageable, continue investing in and improving the project while maintaining a focus on preventing degradation through sanity testing.

From Experiment to Product: Bringing Your Solution to Life

Finally, we reach the crucial stage of productizing your work. This involves implementing production-grade functionalities like logging, monitoring, dependency management, containerization, caching, etc.

While extensive, many mechanisms can be borrowed from classical production engineering, along with existing tools. However, there are specific nuances to consider for LLM native apps:

  • Feedback Loop: How will you measure success? Is it a simple “thumbs up/down” system or a more sophisticated approach that considers user adoption? Collecting data allows for future refinements like redefining the sanity baseline or fine-tuning results with dynamic few-shots.
  • Caching: Caching can be challenging for solutions with generative aspects. Explore options like caching similar results (using RAG) or reducing the generative output by enforcing a strict output schema.
  • Cost Tracking: The allure of “strong models” like GPT-4 or Opus can be significant. However, production costs can quickly surge. Avoid bill shock by monitoring input/output tokens and tracking workflow impact. Without these practices, profiling later becomes difficult.
  • Debuggability and Tracing: Implement tools to track “buggy” inputs throughout the process. This often involves retaining user input and establishing a tracing system. Remember: “AI failures can be silent, unlike traditional software!”

Closing Remarks: Your Role in Advancing LLM Native Technology

This guide serves as a starting point, not an endpoint. LLM native development is an iterative process. As you explore new use cases, overcome challenges, and implement features, your LLM native product will continuously improve.

Here are some parting tips for your AI development journey:

  • Stay Agile: Embrace change and adapt to the evolving LLM landscape.
  • Experiment Fearlessly: Don’t be afraid to experiment and learn from both successes and failures.
  • User-Centric Focus: Prioritize the end-user experience in your design decisions.
  • Share and Collaborate: Contribute your knowledge and experiences to the LLM community. Together, we can push the boundaries of what’s possible with LLM native apps.

Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep building. The possibilities are endless!

I hope this guide has equipped you for your LLM native development journey. I’m eager to hear your story! Share your triumphs and challenges in the comments below.
